Veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra, who will be seen shaking a leg in popular number ‘Pal Pal Na Maane Tinku Jiya’ in his next release says he is comfortable doing such songs.
“It was easy for me to do the item song. I was very much comfortable doing it. Once the camera is on I am easy to open.
If I would have been uncomfortable then I wouldn’t have been in the industry since last 50 years or so,” Dharmendra said.
After Malaika Arora’s ‘Munni Badnaam Hui’ and Katrina Kaif’s ‘Shiela Ki Jawani’, now its ‘Pal Pal...’ from ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana’, which is climbing high on the countdown chart.
Directed by Samir Karnik, the film, releasing on January 14, is a comedy of confusion where the Deols — Sunny, Bobby and Dharmendra — will be seen in a never seen avatar.
“Since the promos have been released we are getting good reviews about the film. We hope that ‘Yamla Pagla Deewana’ turns out to be the biggest hit,” the 75-year-old actor said.
Meanwhile, Dharmendra and Sunny Deol have launched an entertainment portal —
The website is a one—stop portal for tickets to movies, concerts, plays and sports events. It enables people to buy tickets, see film reviews, celebrity news, gossip, celebrity blogs, photographs and videos.
Actor Ajay Devgn was the first one to buy the tickets of Dharmendra’s home production.
“We have been working on it for the past one year with a team. When they came to me with the concept I liked the idea found it interesting and agreed it to be a part of it,” Ajay said
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