It is reported that Shahrukh wanted to move to the tunes of the song “Kajra Re” with Aishwarya but the plan was scrapped after the actress turned down the offer. “Shahrukh had planned a gig around Bollywood heroines over the years and he wanted it to conclude with Aishwarya's performance,” Mumbai Mirror quoted a source as saying.
“He had planned to dance with her to “Kajra Re”. But Ash refused. Her argument was that Kajre re was a family song and that she performed the number in Bunty aur Babli only with her father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan and husband Abhishek and that she will not dance to that song with anyone else. No amount of persuasion from the organisers helped her change her mind. Finally, Shahrukh had to scrap this plan,” it added.
Well, we are yet to hear from Shahrukh and Aishwarya!
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