"Rai Bachchan is considering bringing legal charges against the magazine for what many are calling ''racist airbrushing.''
Women around the world blanched at the bleached version of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on the cover of Elle India.The fourteenth anniversary magazine issue featured the Bollywood sensation posing in a cream-colored dress, but the focus has been on her decidedly lighter complexion.
The Times of India reports that Rai Bachchan is considering bringing legal charges against the magazine for what many are calling ''racist airbrushing.''
A petition on Change.org already has almost 12,000 signatures by women calling for a public apology from the magazine.
''To see magazines like Elle further enforce the color hierarchy of crossover appeal by making Aishwarya appear lighter-skinned is a slap in the face,'' Prerna Lal wrote on the website.
The actress herself has not commented on the issue, but friends of the Bride and Prejudice star say she is 'furious'.
Last September the American version of Elle Magazine denied reports that they had lightened African American actress Gabourey Sidibeon’s on the cover of their 25th anniversary issue.
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