The first anniversary of the demise of Kevin Rudd and the rise of Julia Gillard falls on June 24. That event will now be analysed against this week's Newspoll, showing the Prime Minister's personal support at a record low; guaranteeing there will be as much chatter about Rudd as there will be about Gillard.
Publicly at least, Labor's federal caucus put on a brave face this week, determined to stick with both its key policies and its leader despite the historically bad polls.
The caucus has put its faith in Julia Gillard's long game, essentially punting that 18 months from now, the carbon tax will be a far less damaging issue for the government.
That pre-supposes that the reality of the tax - after July next year - will not be anywhere near as threatening as Tony Abbott has constantly said it will be. They judge that the electorate will regard the compensation as adequate and that by then it will be the Coalition struggling with the prospect of taking away tax cuts and pension increases.
The theory then goes that the Gillard Government can recover from a two party preferred deficit of 55%-45%, behind a leader with a net dissatisfaction rating of minus 25%, and work its way back to a winning position.
Those who were in the federal parliament ten years ago will have found that a more persuasive argument than some of the relative newcomers.
In February, 2001, the Howard Government was on its knees having introduced an unpopular GST just seven months beforehand. The former Defence Minister, John Moore, quit his seat of Ryan in Queensland after being shoved aside in a reshuffle. The Coalition then suffered a 10% swing against it in a March by-election, and the ALP picked it up by a handful of votes.
The Opposition leader, Kim Beazley, wasn't universally popular but most analysts wrote off the Howard Government at that stage. The GST, they judged, had poisoned the well.
Then just four months later - July 15, 2001 - Labor's momentum was stopped in its tracks at another federal by-election in the Victorian seat of Aston.
Despite opinion polls showing the government trailing badly nationally - and losing Aston - the Liberal candidate, Chris Pearce, restricted the swing against the government to just 4.2%, and ever so narrowly held the seat for the Coalition.
Insiders went to air for the first time the next day. The Prime Minister, John Howard, was the guest.
He said then that if Labor had built up "unstoppable momentum" then they would have rolled over the government in Aston.
"Those people who were saying we were gone for all money are clearly wrong," he said.
"I think (the next election) is going to be very competitive and I believe that the government is well and truly back in the game."
Indeed they were. The tide had turned even before the Tampa crisis and the attack on the World Trade Centre shifted attention to national security, Howard's strength.
That was because the government - between March 2001 and July 2001 - moved to stop the haemorrhaging. Much of the residual anger over the GST centred on a complex business activity statement and fears held by self funded retirees that they had missed out on compensation. Both matters were dealt with and the political climate was transformed as a result.
The lesson from Ryan and Aston is that political fortunes can change very quickly; that often holding your nerve is the best option.
The scenario can be repeated if the government breaks a habit and manages well the announcements on the structure of the carbon tax and the related compensation. Then, from July next year when the tax starts, the government will need to further unwind the impact of Tony Abbott's effective campaign against it.
It all seems such a long shot now in the face of deteriorating polls. And Julia Gillard has nothing like the authority and credibility that John Howard had even in his most troubled times.
But precedents exist. And at times like these, they act as drifting life buoys for a party that can't make a habit of changing leaders.
Internal critics of the Prime Minister in caucus - and they do exist - have said privately and repeatedly that the real and informed debate on a carbon tax has been far too long in coming. But even they take some comfort in the fact that the election is a long way off as well.
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