Anushka Sharma was detained by custom officials at the Mumbai international airport for carrying unaccounted gold, diamond-studded jewellery and other belongings. She was apparently interrogated for over nine hours and was finally let off after that.
The actress, who landed here yesterday at 2:30 pm from the IIFA award ceremony in Toronto was let off, past midnight after questioning for more than nine hours. Her statement has been recorded and she will be called for questioning again if required, customs commissioner, PM Govande told PTI.
Customs officials are also verifying the documents provided by her claiming that the belongings were taken from India, he said.
The 23-year-old Baand Baaja Baraat star claimed that while going abroad, she had taken the valuables from India and had declared the goods at that time and hence need not pay the duty.
She was stopped by the customs while passing through the green channel after she was found in possession of gold and diamond-studded jewellery and two watches collectively worth Rs 35 lakhs approximately, officials said.
The pretty actress seems to be having a rough time of it currently.
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