After giving two of the biggest hits (Ghajini and Ready) in Bollywood, we probably expected Asin Thottumkal to be in every directors wishlist. But what’s shocking is that currently, the actress has only one project in hand and that is Housefull 2. Zarine Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez have already been cast as the other two leading ladies, which means Asin will have to share her screen space with them.
Says a trade source, “She has just one film, Housefull 2, in which she will share screen space with Jacqueline Fernandez and Zarine Khan.”
If the buzz is to be believed, Asin is quoting the same price as the likes of Kareena Kapoor and Katrina Kaif. This is the main reason why most directors are refusing to cast her in films.
Rumors also have it that the Kollywood producers and directors are unhappy about the fact that she ignored them when she started receiving offers from Bollywood.
Is it that Asin’s attitude is killing her???
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