The Sizzling priyanka chopra, shot by Abhay Singh, styled by Jayati Bose.
When interviewed, -Priyanka says,
What really went wrong between Kareena and u? The two of u were friends at one point.
PC :(laughs) I am not yet sure abt that. We were never best friends or back slapping buddies. Just that we had a lot of common friends. WE used to hang out a lot together. But after a point we got really busy and eventually lost touch. Then she started making callous remarks abt me. I haven’t said anything abt her ever. But it has happened so many times that now i am pretty sure she doesn’t like me. I don’t really know what happened. I don’t have any form of distaste towards her.
If marooned on an island with Kareena what would u do ?
PC : I wouldn’t need to do anything. She is very entertaining so i would just listen to her.
Seven insults u r never going to forget :
PC: There’s one statement made by Kareena which i’ll never forget. Someone asked her who she considered as competition she replied ” rani mukerji”.Then she was asked ” what abt ur contemporaries like priyanka and katrina ? she said ” oh i thought u were talking abt actors “. Obviously she doesn’t consider us in her league. That really hurt me.
Then Priyanka was asked to ask a question to an actor like one question to kat, deepika etc…
To Kat : After lots of praise on Kat she asked ” what made her take this career in india ?”
To Deepika : If i ever had a problem with my flight i’d ask her if she’d give me a free ticket on her fleet of airlines
To Kareena : (thinks) Oh no that would be too nasty. Can we come back to this later ?
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