Salman Khan was recently asked if he ever planned to do serious films. According to the actor, the audience generally watch a film to have fun and so he doesn’t want to give them a rona-dhona one. Tey the actor says that he has essayed serious role like Radhe in Tere Naam and Inspector Arjun Ranavat in Garv: Pride and Honour.
Talking about his several romantic relationships, Sallu was asked what is that one thing, every woman expects from her man. Sallu says, “A woman would want her man to be charming, lovable,and sweet. She would want flowers, chocolates and candlelit dinners.” He further goes on to add that today’s woman are a lot more practical, despite them craving for the above lovey dovey stuff!
Coming to what would the Dabangg Khan do, to impress a woman, Salman says, he prefers being himself. According to the actor, a man is not being himself, when he tries to impress a lady!
“Be yourself. Don’t do things that you will not be able to do in your relationship after a point of time.”
Coming to Salman Khan’s fitness regime, the actor says he loves exercising and always exercise a little more than he eats. “I eat everything except pork and beef.”
Salman Khan has a long list of friends in the industry. According to the actor, friendship in the film industry can last as long as it’s not work related.
Sallu say’s,” Mohnish Behl, Sanjay Dutt, Aamir Khan, Sajid Nadidwala…all are good friends. Shah Rukh Khan used to be friend.”
Well people, if you had to rate Salman Khan, the heartthrob of Bollywood, as a lover, actor and friend, how would you rate him???
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