CNN praises Muslim suicide bomber as a hero. CNN has long been behind the ratings of Fox News, and many Americans have discovered that it is a propaganda network that is prone to slanting its coverage and reporting to the left. Nowhere is this kind of ideological reporting more evident than in stories like the one CNN aired just this past Thursday night on Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room. In the two-and-a-half-minute-long piece, correspondent Reza Sayah produced a report that used the word “hero” several times to describe a Libyan suicide bomber. Furthermore, the overall tone of the report was positive, which brought to mind comparisons to profiles of heroic American soldiers who sacrificed their lives during war.
CNN seems to justify the unscrupulous and anti-American tone and approach to the report—which you can handily see for yourselves in the neat, little video to the left of this column—based on the fact that the Libyan suicide bomber was actually fighting Gaddafi’s forces. Still, even so, for a major American cable news outfit to produce a package that aired on live TV in which the reporter was praising a Muslim suicide bomber is simply beyond the pale…and that’s putting it way too mildly!
What’s truly horrendous is how the piece portrayed the suicide bomber like he was a brave, noble soldier who had just given his life for a just cause. In other words, watching it is like the kind of positive portrayal of an American soldier who gave his life in war that you would expect to see from the US media. Abnormally, the fellow CNN was lauding instead…was a suicide-bombing Muslim who packed his car with cooking gas and then killed himself as he drove the car into a building’s main gate.
I don’t care that this guy—a 49-year-old oil company worker—helped the Libyan rebels and was fighting against Gaddafi. After all, not only did he use the same tactics that US soldier-killing jihadists have utilized in Iraq and Afghanistan, but it isn’t even confirmed whether this guy is a so-called “good guy.” A report earlier this week provided evidence that a good number of these “freedom fighters” in Libya actually were nothing but a bunch of Al-Qaeda terrorists themselves! And now this subject of the CNN piece uses the same terrorist tactics of the jihadists (which shows how comfortable he is with the terrorist lifestyle)…and CNN praises him like he’s a freedom fighter or some American soldier who just gave his life in the most just cause.
Like all good suicide-bombing terrorists, this oil worker read his guidebook to the “religion of peace” (why, the “holy” Quran, of course!!) right before he decided to kill himself and blow up some infrastructure. CNN claims that his “sacrifice” helped the Libyan rebels in the fight on that occasion, but so what? He leaves behind a wife and two daughters, but that’s okay! After all…he’s got about 72 virgins in heaven who want to show him a good time! Yes!!
I truly don’t care that this Muslim suicide bomber inflicted, apparently, some damage against Gaddafi’s interests. There can be no justification for an American news outfit that creates a package where they praise a Muslim suicide bomber for committing an act of terrorism—even if it is against Gaddafi and supposedly in favor of the “freedom-loving” rebels. CNN abused the word “hero” several times in describing this guy; it was like a puff piece report for some celebrity! This was so repulsive that it can only be explained by the fact that CNN is steeped in its left-wing slant.
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